
What We Offer

We offer face recognition devices supporting most marktet popular features such as mask detection, multi-person face recogntion, face recognition IP camera with SDK API as well as software and hardware face recognition solutions including face recognition thermometer, kaméra pangenal raray, face recognition attendance machines, jsb. Wilujeng naroskeun.

Explore face recognition with us

We only focus on face recogntion.

What we can offer has a limit, what you can dream has no limit. Welcome to share us your imaginative ideas, maybe our team can help you make it come true!


Face Recognition Thermometers

With the global spread of covid-19, temperature detection at the entrances and exits of public places has become a necessary measure to control the epidemic. Tommi Technology launched facial recognition thermometers workng on forehead and wrist temperature detection with high accuracy at a long distance and got very good feedback from global customers. Éta tiasa dihijikeun sareng sistem inpormasi kode QR kaséhatan nasional pikeun maca status kaséhatan sareng vaksinasi pangguna.


Pangwanoh raray Access Control Mesin Hadir(pikeun Lawang)

All Tommi facial recogntion devices support both access control and attendance management. Kapasitas nyanghareupan ti 10,000 ka 50,000, kartu NFC pilihan, WIFI, 4G, advertisement play, jsb. We develop several wall mounted compact models for door access control. Cocog jeung kantor jeung ruang kelas, Gerbang otomatis,jsb.


Pangwanoh raray Access Control Mesin Hadir(pikeun Turnstiles)

All Tommi facial recognition devices support both access control and attendance management. Urang ngembangkeun rupa-rupa ukuran(7inci, 8inci, 10inci, 13inci, jsb.) terminal kontrol aksés pangenal raray pikeun turnstiles, panghalang,meja atanapi lantai dipasang nangtung, jsb. Cocog pikeun asup sareng kaluar kontrol aksés di rumah sakit, sakola,pabrik, stasiun karéta, tempat endah, jsb.Kapasitas nyanghareupan ti 10,000 ka 50,000, kartu NFC pilihan, WIFI, 4G, muter iklan, jsb.


Kaméra Pangenal Raray (Hareup Tungtung Babandingan)

Chengdu Tommi face recognition cameras (dome or bullet shape) support 50,000perpustakaan raraycan do multi-person face capture and comparison simultaneously at a distance up to 10m. Support http, mqtt integration on multi-language plaftorm. SDK API offered for free. Suitable for large number of staff attendance in the factories, sakola, jsb.


Modul Pangenal raray

We’ve been supplying face recognition modules and accessories to security system integrators and manufactures since our participation in face recognition technology as one of the earliest face recognition players in China. From high performance Hisilicon chipset modules to latest high cost value modules, urang tiasa nawiskeun konsumén pilihan lega ogé modul ngaropéa.Wilujeng sumping ngabahas your requirements sareng urang R&D.


Kadatangan panganyarna

Chengdu Tommi continues to launch new face recognition models catering to various industries and market demands. From higher cost value facial access control attendance devices to multi-person thermal imaging temperature detection devices, Anjeun tiasa milih model idéal anjeun dumasar kana budgets anjeun sarta sarat proyék. Kami bakal nawiskeun anjeun harga pangsaéna sareng dukungan téknis.


Kinerja Tinggi Model Popular

Tommi face recognition devices boast of reliable algorithum and long stable performance. Model kinerja luhur kami ngadopsi chipset kualitas pangluhurna, can give faster recognition response, beungeut leuwih badag sarta kapasitas gudang, longer facial recognition distance, jsb.


Modél Niley Super Cost

To meet requirements of low budget customers for basic accesss control or attenandance mangement requirements, Tommi Technology has been launching facial recognition models with better cost value by removing some features customers might have no chance to use in their application scenarios thus help them do better cost control. If customers have adequate budget, we still recommend high performance models.